I'm not sure if its because I was raised Catholic or something, and I suppose I can understand politically why they do this, but I find it so odd how many American antisemites (and offshoots of Christianity) root their views in "actually, my descendants were the real Israelites / Chosen People / Lost Tribe, etc"

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"...the belief that the Anglo-Saxons were the real Israelites of the bible."

Good god. The amount of willful ignorance in these people.

It's like they've never even *heard* Desmond Dekker.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by John Ganz

"where Anglo-Israelites, migrant fundamentalist preachers from the South, and former members of William Dudley Pelley’s failed fascist Silvershirts, combined to create Christian Identity"

This is the part that I had not connected personally. I didn't know that the Christian Identity crowd was rooted so early. So thanks, John.


everyone wants to be an israelite, no one wants to be a jew

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Bradley Hart's book "Hitler's American Friends" (2018) won't teach you a whole lot you don't already know, but it is a good read on just how popular Ford's worldview was for a time in the Interwar era. https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250148957/hitlersamericanfriends

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And yet, Ford growing up in Dearborn had never met a Jew. His antisemitism rose out of no personal experience. The real eliminationist antisemites crowded around when they realized his attitudes.

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