Here for the articles on France’s 3rd Republic, but I’d like to add that, regarding the “natural elite” and Charles Murray, the people who have urged me to read Rothbard are unduly fascinated by epigenetics. He’s also popular among Gen Y gamers, you know the type.

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Firstly, though not in full agreement with Robert Anton Wilson, e.g. I hold that Uri Geller was a fraud and James Randi (ע״ה) _opened_ a reality-tunnel (in R.W.A.-speak) by debunking him, I can recommend his novelette-length screed "Natural Law, or, Don't Put a Rubber on Your Willy" prompted by Rothbard's invocation of the concept.

It is fully in keeping with his reverence for the Angelic Doctor, for whom homosexuality behaviour were 'unnatural' despite its frequency in actual nature, that many nearly universal human impulses should be 'unnatural'.

I will note in passing that Rothbard's obsession with 'parasites' is Rand's, and hers at root an example of Stalinist indoctrination détourned.

Finally, I will point-out that any Just World hypothesis that is not Panglossean has a tendency to adjust to reality by the addition of an epicyclic Devil who (for example) keeps the 'natural' Master Race down. I think that this is why adherents to such, from Social Darwinists to those Christians who do not understand their own doctrine's insistence that the World will not be in conformance with them, are ripe for belief in Conspiracy Hypotheses.

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