What's really excellent about this essay is that it spotlights the fact that Schmitt on liberalism and democracy is the reverse of "the Founders" of the USA: they intended to create a liberal republic; the Jacksonian movement set up White Man's Democracy as an alternative, and ever since Lincoln at Cooper Union the most important conflicts in US history have been fought along that battle line.

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thats so much

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*thanks so much

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Mar 28, 2021Liked by John Ganz

I think you've done a great job laying out the similarities, both in this article and overall recently. Far too many people, both in the liberal center and the more socialistic left, are mechanically dismissive—imo, at their own peril. Especially if they only think semantically (in other words, or dismissing the applicability of fascism as descriptor for this segment of the right itself lead to no further consideration of the potential danger posed from this lot)

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Mar 28, 2021Liked by John Ganz

(I get that it was not your intention to analyze the threat, but the rhetorical similarities you've demonstrated should be concerning however much power they have to act on this stuff.)

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Mar 28, 2021Liked by John Ganz

A good measured piece. These anti-democratic ideas float around the right - see, for instance, First Thing's 1996 symposium, or any random issue of Chronicles.

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