Thanks, John. Very grateful here for your continued contact with these people and your willingness to report in a coherent, thoughtful manner. Of course, in my case, you may be preaching to the choir. In the mid 70's my black wife (and, therefore, 7 black children--yes, I'm white) moved out of Chicago to Vermont, looking to raise our family there. Vermont was chosen for many reasons. However, near the top of the list was its proximity to Canada. We were very concerned that the same forces that killed unarmed people in their beds (in Chicago) would eventually become a dominant force in the US and we would be at risk.

Most of my children are still in Vermont. And I am writing from there. So, whatever risks we imagined were somewhat overblown. Eventually, our "country" neighbors came to accept her and our "crazy" ways. (of course, there is more to the story, but this will suffice for the present)

And I presently have a significant deposit with a Montreal law firm to assist in arranging the move to Canada, should that become necessary.

But how to know? How did my childhood friend's father know to pack jewels inside of chocolates and flee Germany in the late '30's? I never was able to ask him. However, I rely on folks who are thoughtful and of a similar mindset to help me be informed. I could be in Canada within a few hours.

Some have opined that the '60's were halcyon times. I lived through them, married when we were illegal in many states, was shot at in Wyoming, and much, much more. These times are significantly more difficult. (and it is not because I'm much older and less able to adjust)

And would escaping to Canada do any good? What about my neighbors? Children? Grand Children? Friends? And a significant portion of Burlington VT? Not sure that fleeing is an ethical and loving solution. Not at all sure.

Making music. Supporting those who live in fear. Holding myself in the dark of the night. Riding bicycle--fast. Voting. Talking. Preparing for the possible collapse of the Republican Party--not really crazy about a one party state. Trying to stay reasonably informed and still work, play music, be with family and friends, etc. Life, love, heart. Lots of heart.

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The same thing happening again, as it did with racism. "I can't be a racist since racists are bad people and I'm a good guy".

Just substitute the F-word.

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Another variant, apologies for the language: 'Queers, coloreds, feminists, Jews, pot-smokers—all of them say they should be out and proud of who they are—and if _they_ can be proud of all the bad things _they_ are, why can’t _I_ be proud of being the blinkered, misogynist, bigot I know The LORD wants me to be?'.

In a way, you could say that I blame the 'Sixties.

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I was sent the "Substack Reads" interview with Richard Hanania recently, whom I mostly became aware of through your writing, and I had two thoughts.

The first, relevant to your column, is that it seems to me he exists in an Overton window made possible by these fringe elements that "no one takes seriously". In a world of violent coup plotting far right civil war accelerationists, he is "just" racist. Could this be the whole point of groyperfication? To make good ole separate but equal free market trickle down politics look sane by comparison?

The second thing, is that I hope you and the few other writers I support here could find a better platform to be hosted on. If you ever decide to leave, I pledge to follow.

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I'll say no to the Overtoning of groyperfication. This implies planning, intention, strategy and discipline on the part of the free-market trickle-downers that they don't possess.

Groypers are not some cat's-paw movement like No Labels, it's an organic subculture and their hatred should be thought of as sincere.

What it does take is that one lucky moment. If you look back at the Gamergate affair -- the origins of it are incredibly stupid and its consequences are incredibly calamitous -- you'll basically see these undercurrents of ressentiment that eventually grew to something much bigger and formative for most of the participants.

This is where memes took on a sui generis mode of communication and even consciousness among the far-right. The Trump campaign, and later administration, used memes as their signals. After Trump won, the aphorism "Meme magic is real" took on a life of its own, and it's become rooted throughout the GOP as well as fashoid camps thirsting for power.

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I guess that my use of the word "point" was unfortunate there, because I agree that there's probably no planning or intention behind the rise of these practices and the subcultures around them (but there certainly is a sort of "shitposter husbandry" that's taken up deliberately to propagate and/or recreate them). I guess by "point" I meant something more like "ecological niche", as in "this is the reason this gets amplified rather than shut down".

Really, none of these phenomena are new per se. Edgy teenagers have existed as long as adolescence has been a part of human life. What's changed is how this edginess (i.e. Gamer Gate) is engaged by the partisan apparatus, from "not even remotely engaged with" (I will go out on a limb to say that was the correct attitude), to giving it its own lane and treating it as a serious part of political discourse. The enfranchising, as it were, of what should just be an embarrassing phase in your young adult life.

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There are definitely fascist movies (Kingsman).

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don't Vince Vaughan and Mel Gibson make such movies nowadays?

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Thanks, I just spit diet coke on my monitor...

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Did Gottfried ever disclaim fascism? I’ve heard him respond with some manner of “oh, so NOW you’re playing the fascist card!”, but I’ve never actually heard him deny it.

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Sure, fascism will look different then it did in the 30s just as everything looks different. That's a weak defense to hide behind and they know it.

But I'm more and more convinced it's the appropriate term for a growing part of the right wing authoritarian movement in the US. I was hesitant and resistant to it but I can no longer wish it away. The attitudes and beliefs of some people in my own family are scary, frankly. Terrifying.

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Well, is this better or worse than things having got to the point where people can be out and proud fascists—or even are just normal reactionaries who wish to be seen as fascists because it's cooler (see: some 'libertarian's)?

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Good analysis of bankruptcy of the "Publican" wing of the the DemoPublican charades. The "Demo" players in that farce spew their own brand of division, contempt, and lust for power.

Hope we can all tamp down our tribalism to avoid endorsing one pack of creeps as an antidote to the other.

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